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The Hobbit or There and Back Again J R R Tolkien Abebooks

  • Stock image for The Hobbit or There and Back Again for sale by Thomas F. Pesce'

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    Mass Market Paperback. Condition: New. Illustrated with Map(s) (illustrator). REVISED EDITION. This is a new book, direct from the publisher. Pages are clean, tight and bright. Bookstore's stamped address appears on the inside of the rear cover.

  • Stock image for The Hobbit or There and Back Again for sale by Abacus Bookshop

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    softcover. Condition: Fine copy. 1st edition. 8vo, 300 pp., First printing of the movie tie-in edition.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, Or, There and Back Again (Paperback) for sale by Grand Eagle Retail

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    Paperback. Condition: new. Paperback. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. "Written for J.R.R. Tolkien's own children, "The Hobbit" met with instant critical acclaim when it was first published in 1937. Now recognized as a timeless classic, this introduction to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, Gollum, and the spectacular world of Middle-earth recounts of the adventures of a reluctant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the cruel dragon Smaug the Magnificent. The text in this 372-page paperback edition is based on that first published in Great Britain by Collins Modern Classics (1998), and includes a note on the text by Douglas A. Anderson (2001). Unforgettable The remarkable prelude to "The Lord of the Rings"—newly rejacketed for young readers with art by the author. This edition includes a teaser chapter from "The Fellowship of the Ring." Illustrations. (Available now) Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.

  • Stock image for Der kleine Hobbit. Aus dem Englischen von Walter Scherf. Originaltitel: The hobbit or there and back again. - (=dtv junior, Band 7151). for sale by BOUQUINIST

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    Condition: Sehr gut. Bearbeitete Neuausgabe. 38. Auflage. 477 (3) Seiten mit Zeichnungen und Umschlagbild von Klaus Ensikat. 18,6 cm. Mit einer Karte von Juliane Hehn-Kynast. Umschlaggestaltung: Celestino Piatti. Sehr guter Zustand. Seiten papierbedingt leicht gebr�unt. Im friedlichen Auenland verbringt der Hobbit Bilbo Beutlin sein wenig abenteuerliches Leben. Bis eines Tages 13 Zwerge und der legend�re Zauberer Gandalf uneingeladen zum Tee kommen -- von da an sind die geruhsamen Tage des beh�bigen kleinen Hobbits vorbei. Ohne Hut und ohne Fr�hst�ck bricht er mit den Zwergen auf, um in einem fernen Land einen verlorenen Schatz wiederzugewinnen. Doch vorher begegnen sie Elben, Trollen, Orks und Riesenspinnen, durchwandern das Nebelgebirge und den Nachtwald, bis sie schlie�lich zum Einsamen Berg gelangen, wo der Drache Smaug den Schatz der Zwerge bewacht. Der kleine Hobbit ist ein Buch f�r Kinder ab 10 Jahren, die abenteuerliche Reisebeschreibung eines kleinen Wesens durch eine fremde Welt voller Phantasiegestalten. Aber gleichzeitig ist es auch der Grundstein und Auftakt des einflu�reichsten Werkes der Fantasy-Literatur: Der Herr der Ringe. Der englische Sprachwissenschaftler Tolkien, der in seiner Gesellschaft die Verwurzelung in Mythen vermi�te, hatte bereits vor dem kleinen Hobbit mit der Erschaffung einer v�llig autonomen Phantasiewelt begonnen, die nicht nur eine eigene Sch�pfungsgeschichte, sondern auch eine �ber viele Zeitalter w�hrende Historie aufweist, mitsamt ihren V�lkern, eigenen Sprachen und einer eigenen Geographie. In dieser Welt spielt die Geschichte von Bilbo Beutlin, und auch wenn vieles noch nicht so deutlich ausgemalt ist wie sp�ter im Herr der Ringe, so sp�rt man doch, da� diese Welt existiert -- irgendwo, irgendwann. Die kleine Geschichte ist Teil von weitaus gr��eren Ereignissen -- was in Der kleine Hobbit passiert, ist erst der Anfang. So trifft z.B. Bilbo Beutlin tief unter den Bergen auf ein einsames, ausgezehrtes Gesch�pf namens Gollum, das einen Ring besitzt, der unsichtbar macht. Dieser Ring wird vom arglosen Bilbo gefunden und mitgenommen -- und er ist es, der dem sp�teren Werk seinen Namen verleiht. Ob man den kleinen Hobbit als Kind liest oder als Erwachsener -- auf jeden Fall ist es eine spannende, liebenswerte Geschichte, spr�hend vor Phantasie. Eine Geschichte, die Sehnsucht erweckt nach mehr Geschichten von fremden L�ndern, Abenteuern, Zauberringen und nach einem Wiedersehen mit jenem Wesen, dessen Erschaffung vielleicht Tolkiens gr��tes Verdienst ist: dem Hobbit. --Birgit Will. - �Die (Vor-)Geschichte zum Fantasy-Helden-Epos Der Herr der Ringe . Absolut zu empfehlen und auch f�r Nicht-Fantasy-Fans sind die Abenteuer Bilbo Beutlins in Mittelerde ein Muss!� Berliner Morgenpost. � Der kleine Hobbit ist n�mlich eigentlich das Vorg�ngerbuch zum Herrn der Ringe und das Richtige f�r alle, denen die Romanvorlage zum Film zu dick oder zu heroisch ist. Die Geschichte �ber Bilbo, die Zwergencrew und den b�sen Drachen Smaug gibt s nicht als Film, ist mit mehr Witz und Leichtigkeit und eigentlich recht m�rchenhaft geschrieben. Zauberer Gandalf, Elbenk�nig Elrond und viele, viele Orks inklusive!� Ultimo. - Der kleine Hobbit (englischer Originaltitel: The Hobbit or There and Back Again), 1957 ins Deutsche �bersetzt von Walter Scherf, in der neuen �bersetzung von Wolfgang Krege genauer mit Der Hobbit oder Hin und zur�ck betitelt, ist ein Roman von J. R. R. Tolkien. Er erschien erstmals am 21. September 1937 im Verlag George Allen & Unwin und wurde sp�ter durch den Herrn der Ringe weitergef�hrt. Den Hintergrund f�r diese beiden phantastischen Werke bildet die von Tolkien erdachte Mythologie (siehe Tolkiens Welt). Der kleine Hobbit ist von Stil und Absicht her ein Kinderbuch und war urspr�nglich als Geschichte f�r Tolkiens Kinder konzipiert. Nach der Ver�ffentlichung des Herrn der Ringe nahm Tolkien am Hobbit �nderungen vor, vornehmlich um diesem einen erwachseneren" Anstrich zu geben und sachliche Widerspr�che zu den anderen Werken aufzul�sen. . Einfl�sse [Bearbeiten]Die Namen der Zwerge und Gandalfs sind einer Stelle in der altnordischen V�lusp� entnommen, dem sogenannten Dvergatal, in dem eine Reihe von Zwergennamen aufgelistet werden. Einzelne Handlungs-Elemente (zum Beispiel der Dieb, der einen Becher aus einem Drachenhort stiehlt) stammen aus dem angels�chsischen Epos Beowulf. Der kleine Hobbit entstand vermutlich etwa zeitgleich mit der Niederschrift der Erz�hlung Roverandom. Insbesondere in Tolkiens Zeichnungen zu den beiden Werken finden sich teils frappierende �bereinstimmungen. . Aus: wikipedia-Der_kleine_Hobbit Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 480 Gro�e Schrift, Gro�druck, Augen schonend, Lesefreundlich, Leseerleichterung, Gro�druck, Lesefreundlich, Sehhilfe, Augenfreundlich, In grosser Schrift, Fantasy, Abenteuerromane, Englische Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, Mythen, Jugendbuch, Jugendb�cher, Abenteuerliteratur, Mythologie, Englische Sprache / Geschichte, Englische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Filmkritiken, Filmkunst, Filmpublikum, Cineasten, Filmliteratur, Kino, Filmschauspieler, Film, Filme, Filmliteratur, Filmdrehb�cher, Filmbuch, Verfilmte Literatur, Filmromane, Filmschauspielerin, Filmschauspieler, Filmliteratur, Filmvorlage, Filmgeschichte, Filmromane, Verfilmte Literatur, Kino, Romanverfilmungen, , Bilderb�cher, Illustrierte Ausgaben, Illustrierte B�cher, M�rchen, Illustrationen, Illustrierte Ausgaben, Illustrierte B�cher, Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Laminiert. Glanzfolienkaschierung.

  • Stock image for There and Back Again: The Map of The Hobbit. for sale by Grendel Books, ABAA/ILAB

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    Paperback. Condition: Very Good. First printing thus (paperback). Very good in illustrated wraps.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit: Or, There and Back Again (Hardcover) for sale by Grand Eagle Retail

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    Hardcover. Condition: new. Hardcover. This deluxe hardcover edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic prelude to his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy contains a short introduction by Christopher Tolkien, a reset text incorporating the most up-to-date corrections, and all of Tolkien's own drawings and full-color illustrations, including the rare "Mirkwood" piece. J.R.R. Tolkien's own description for the original edition: "If you care for journeys there and back, out of the comfortable Western world, over the edge of the Wild, and home again, and can take an interest in a humble hero (blessed with a little wisdom and a little courage and considerable good luck), here is a record of such a journey and such a traveler. The period is the ancient time between the age of Faerie and the dominion of men, when the famous forest of Mirkwood was still standing, and the mountains were full of danger. In following the path of this humble adventurer, you will learn by the way (as he did) if you do not already know all about these things much about trolls, goblins, dwarves, and elves, and get some glimpses into the history and politics of a neglected but important period. For Mr. Bilbo Baggins visited various notable persons; conversed with the dragon, Smaug the Magnificent; and was present, rather unwillingly, at the Battle of the Five Armies. This is all the more remarkable, since he was a hobbit. Hobbits have hitherto been passed over in history and legend, perhaps because they as a rule preferred comfort to excitement. But this account, based on his personal memoirs, of the one exciting year in the otherwise quiet life of Mr. Baggins will give you a fair idea of the estimable people now (it is said) becoming rather rare. They do not like noise." A new edition of The Hobbit with a short introduction by Christopher Tolkien, a reset text incorporating the most up-to-date corrections, and all of Tolkien’s own drawings and color illustrations, including the rare “Mirkwood” piece. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.

  • Stock image for The Annotated Hobbit: The Hobbit, or, There and back again for sale by My Books Store

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    Condition: good. 1st. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed ! The book shows some signs of wear from use but is a good readable copy. Cover in excellent condition. Binding tight. Pages in great shape, no tears. Not contain access codes, cd, DVD.

  • Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. 330 pp. Book/dust jacket condition: Fine/NF. 1st/First Edition THUS, 1st/First Printing. 2001 Note on the Text by Douglas Anderson. All orders are processed and shipped from MI or WI, USA.

  • Stock image for The Hobbit or There and Back Again by J. R. R. Tolkien for sale by Porcupine Books

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    Condition: Fine. David Wenzel (illustrator). HarperCollins 1991 First Edition in the UK Second Printing (Trade Paper) Fine Book Graphic Novel adaptation - Illustrated in full colour throughout and accompanied by the carefully abridges text. this handsome authorised edition will introduce new generations to a magical masterpiece. Book.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, or, There and Back Again for sale by Manyhills Books

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    Softcover. Condition: Near Fine. First Edition. Softcover. 389 pages. *** PUBLISHING DETAILS: Collins, UK, 2012. First Edition. *** CONDITION: Near Fine . Covers have no creasing. Corners of covers are lightly bumped. Spine is uncreased. Pages are clean and unmarked and in excellent condition. *** ABOUT THIS BOOK: Packed with exclusive behind-the-scenes photographs, this official illustrated guide tells the detailed story of the making of the highly anticipated new film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, directed by Peter Jackson. Enter Bilbo Baggins' world through exclusive interviews with director Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen and all the principal cast and filmmakers, who share film-making secrets and tales of what it was actually like making movie magic in Middle-earth. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of behind-the-scenes photos of the actors, locations, sets, creatures and costumes, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Official Movie Guide has been produced in collaboration with the filmmakers who have brought J.R.R. Tolkien's classic novel into breathtaking three-dimensional life. *** Quantity Available: 1. Category: Fiction; Movie / TV Tie-in; Science Fiction & Fantasy. ISBN/EAN: 9780007487288. Inventory No: 22020120.

  • Stock image for The Hobbit; Or, There and Back Again for sale by Time Traveler Books

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    Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. First Edition Thus. First Edition. Hardcover 1st Printing (full # line) with Peter Sis-designed jacket. ; 330 pages.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit : Or There And Back Again : for sale by Sapphire Books

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    Soft cover. Condition: New. No Jacket. 1st Edition. Published In 2012 : 1st. New Edition : Harper Collins Children's Books : Overall, A Very Nice Book :

  • Stock image for The Hobbit; or, There and Back Again for sale by Alexander's Books

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    Hardback. Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine. Lee, Alan (illustrator). 1st Edition. First edition third printing. quarto hardback. ix, 291 pp. Black & white and colour illustrations throughout. Near Fine condition in Near Fine unclipped jacket. Original gift inscription on front end paper.

  • Hardcover. Dust Jacket Included. First Edition. Near Fine oversized hardcover in a Near Fine dj (shelf wear to dj spinal extrems and dj corners; small 1/4" tear to upper right corner of front dj panel at foldover edge). Illustrated with numerous full-page color plates and b/w text illustrations by Alan Lee. First Edition, First Printing. 289pp.

  • Stock image for The Hobbit or There and Back Again for sale by Sherwood Frazier Books

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    Paper. Illustrated by David Wenzel (illustrator). 1st Edition. Film tie-in edition of the best-selling classic work of fantasy of Bilbo Baggins� adventures in Middle-earth, featuring the complete story told in both films, with a striking cover image from Peter Jackson�s THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY and drawings and maps by J.R.R. Tolkien. The prelude to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit has sold many millions of copies since its publication in 1937, establishing itself as one of the most beloved and influential books of the twentieth century. It appears this copy has never been opened, it is as new. Very fine to as new; in above average condition, cover colors are above average with no blemishes front and back, Pages are as clean. No spine roll or damage. Protected in acid free plastic sleeves.

  • Hardcover. Dust Jacket Included. First Edition. Near Fine hardcover in a Near Fine dj (bookplate to top left corner of front pastedown; slight shelf wear to dj spinal extremities). A nice copy - clrean text, tight binding, and a clean and bright dj. Illustrated with numerous full-page color plates, as well as with b/w text illustrations, by Alan Lee. First Edition, First Printing. 289pp.

  • Hard Cover. Condition: Very Good. No Jacket. Tolkien, J.R.R. (illustrator). 4th Printing. Bookcase Shop, Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan. Authorized Taiwan Edition. 80 net in pen, inside rear cover, bump to top spine, else near fine.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, or, There and Back Again for sale by Snowden's Books

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Hague, Michael (illustrator). 1st Edition. Hardcover, no jacket, 1st printing of this edition illustrated by Hague. Large hardcover measures about 7 x 9. Faux leather boards with gilt design and title on spine. Overall condition is very decent with some average to light reading wear. There is slight rippling to edges some pages at beginning of book, with corresponding small spots on top outer page edges, but doesn't really seem pages were in contact with liquid. May just be contact from humidity at some point (no odors or anything). A pretty solid and bright copy.

  • Stock image for The Hobbit: or There and Back Again (Graphic Novel, Book 2) for sale by Three Geese in Flight Celtic Books

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    Paperback. Condition: Good+. David Wenzel (illustrator). First Edition Near Very Good.Trade Paperback. Original 1990 First Edition Hobbit Graphic Novel Color Illustrated BOOK 2 Of 3. Except for some slight shelf wear and a residue of a paper sticker on cover Near Very Good. Clean pages. Inside excellent NOT a library copy. First edition of this wonderfully color illustrated graphic novel Hobbit. Beautiful ink work. We would call this a "Collectible reading copy" Three Geese In Flight Books since 1977 inspired by Prof.Tolkien. In 1974 we produced a stage version of Hobbit with film in Howe Caverns of the Hobbit. We wrap first in brown paper to protect in transit.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, or There and Back Again for sale by Minotavros Books, ABAC/ILAB

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    Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. Tolkien, J.R.R. (illustrator). 1st Edition. Full blue cloth. B&W map endpapers. 225 pp. A fine copy.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, or There and Back Again for sale by Mossback Books

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    Hardcover. Condition: As New. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. First Thus. Octovo hardcover: gold lame covers with Runic stamping borderrs, 50 on cover (anniversary edition) , binding tight pages bright covers like silk, unworn and AS NEW in bright slipcase, very faint wear . Appears to be the first edition in slipcase, not the later versions. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit or, There and Back Again for sale by Lost Paddle Books, IOBA

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    Hardcover. Condition: Fair. Dust Jacket Condition: Good. Hague, Michael (illustrator). First Edition Thus. Full number line 10-1. In green marbled boards with gilt to type and design motif. Corners bumped with small splits at bottom ones. Wear/nicks to spine ends with 1 1/4 inch split to top of rear spine gutter and much smaller one at bottom. Bottom of rear board and spine bumped in three places. Small gift inscription to ffep. One page in book was creased and as a result miscut at printer so is slightly longer on front edge. Jacket is unclipped ($19.95) with edgewear/nicks, some chips to spine ends and a 3/4 inch tear to bottom of front spine crease. 1st Printing.

  • Seller image for There And Back Again: The Map Of The Hobbit Text Brian Sibley Images John Howe for sale by Anthony Clark

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    Soft cover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. John Howe (illustrator). 1st Edition. Harper Prism, London, 1995, Trade Paper size, First Edition/full number line. Card covers which open to a small pasted in book, containing some text by Brian Sibley, and illustrations by John Howe; the other side contains a a large pasted in fold out map - both are unopened and As New, the card covers have bumps to the four corners and a slant at the spine, otherwise they are Very Good plus.

  • Hardcover. Condition: As New. Dust Jacket Condition: As New. First Edition. First Edition Thus. Originally published in 1937, this is a reissue with new color and black and white illustrations by Alan Lee. A Very Fine copy in greenish-black cloth stamped in gilt at spine and on front cover, in a Very Fine glossy illustrated dustwrapper, not price-clipped. 289pp. with two-page spread maps at beginning and end of text. Q15201.

  • First paperback edition, pocket 8vo., pp.283,v, paperback, two printed maps; very light foxing, toning and rubbing to extremities, light creasing on spine, neat autograph inscription on first page, 1.5cm triangular loss of covering at the right tail end of the spine, else a very good, clean copy with bright colour illustrated cover.

  • Seller image for THE HOBBIT Or There and Back Again for sale by Rare Book Cellar

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    Softcover. First Edition Thus; Second Printing. Very Good in wrappers. ; 8.30 X 5.40 X 0.70 inches; 333 pages.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, or There and Back Again for sale by Lorne Bair Rare Books, ABAA

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    First Edition Thus. First Impression. Octavo (23cm); maroon cloth-covered boards and leather backstrip, with titling and decorative elements stamped in gilt on spine and front cover; maroon topstain; map endpapers; publisher's original slipcase; [7],8-245,[7]pp, with black & white illustrations throughout by Eric Fraser. Pictorial bookplate of noted zoologist and marine biologist James Glen Mead on verso of front endpaper. Subtle waviness to front endpaper, one tiny corner crease smoothed-out, else Fine. Slipcase shows modest wear and subtle toning around the opening, with a neat split at heel; Very Good+. The second Folio Society edition of The Hobbit, with newly-commissioned illustrations by Eric Fraser. They first issued the novel in a limited run in 1976, bearing Tolkien's color illustrations; after seeing the worldwide success of their 1977 release of The Lord of the Rings, the new edition of The Hobbit was released with Fraser's illustrations. Barron, Fantasy Literature: A Reader's Guide 3-339.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit, or There and Back Again for sale by Moraine Books

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    Soft Cover. Condition: Good. 1st Edition. First Ballantine Edition. The Deluxe Edition of the World's most beloved fantasy! Includes 230 full-color illustrations from the 1977 animation by Rankin and Bass. *** Some yellowing on the covers and very faintly on the edges of the pages. The binding is getting looser, first couple pages are starting to come unbound. Inscription under the front cover. The seam between the cover and the first page is wearing out. *** Text in English. 218 pp.

  • Seller image for The Hobbit or there and back again for sale by Von Meyenfeldt, Slaats & Sons

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    Cloth with dustjacket. Condition: Good. Second Edition - Fourteenth Impression. 317 pag - dustjacket chipped - name cut out free end paper !!. not price-clipped.

  • Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. No Jacket. Tolkien (illustrator). First American Edition. First edition, 28th printing. Green boards in very good shape. Illustrated by the author. Clean and tight throughout. Prev. owner bookplate. 317 pages plus the Wilderland map at the back.



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