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The Dictionary Defines Stress as a Continuous





a. The act of pressing.

b. The condition of being pressed.

2. The application of continuous force by one body on another that it is touching; compression.

3. Abbr. P Physics Force applied uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit area.

4. Meteorology Atmospheric pressure.


a. A compelling or constraining influence, such as persuasion or negative attitudes, on the mind or will: felt pressure to conform; peer-group pressure.

b. An influence acting as a source of distress or hardship: economic pressures forcing people to work two jobs.

c. Sports Sustained, effective play that puts an opponent at a disadvantage: Defensive pressure forced the quarterback to throw interceptions.

d. The condition of being subjected to physical, mental, social, or economic distress: doesn't work well under pressure.

6. A physical sensation produced by compression of a part of the body.

7. Archaic A mark made by application of force or weight; an impression.

tr.v. pres·sured, pres·sur·ing, pres·sures

1. To force or try to force, as by influence or persuasion: The salesman pressured us to buy the car right away.

2. To pressurize.

3. To pressure-cook.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin pressūra, from pressus, past participle of premere, to press; see per- in Indo-European roots.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. the state of pressing or being pressed

2. the exertion of force by one body on the surface of another

3. a moral force that compels: to bring pressure to bear.

4. an urgent claim or demand or series of urgent claims or demands: to work under pressure.

5. a burdensome condition that is hard to bear: the pressure of grief.

6. (General Physics) the normal force applied to a unit area of a surface, usually measured in pascals (newtons per square metre), millibars, torr, or atmospheres. Symbol: p or P


8. (tr) to constrain or compel, as by the application of moral force

[C14: from Late Latin pressūra a pressing, from Latin premere to press]

ˈpressureless adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈprɛʃ ər)

n., v. -sured, -sur•ing. n.

1. the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it.

2. Physics. force per unit area. Symbol: P

3. the state of being pressed or compressed.

4. harassment; oppression; stress: the pressures of daily life.

5. a constraining or compelling force or influence: social pressures.

6. urgency, as of affairs or business: He works well under pressure.


9. to force toward a particular end by exerting a constraining or compelling influence; coerce: They pressured him into accepting.

10. to pressurize.

[1350–1400; Middle English (n.) < Latin pressūra. See press1, -ure]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



Continuous force applied to a gas, liquid, or solid by another gas, liquid, or solid. Pressure is expressed as the amount of force applied per unit of area.

The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Past participle: pressured
Gerund: pressuring
I pressure
you pressure
he/she/it pressures
we pressure
you pressure
they pressure
I pressured
you pressured
he/she/it pressured
we pressured
you pressured
they pressured
Present Continuous
I am pressuring
you are pressuring
he/she/it is pressuring
we are pressuring
you are pressuring
they are pressuring
Present Perfect
I have pressured
you have pressured
he/she/it has pressured
we have pressured
you have pressured
they have pressured
Past Continuous
I was pressuring
you were pressuring
he/she/it was pressuring
we were pressuring
you were pressuring
they were pressuring
Past Perfect
I had pressured
you had pressured
he/she/it had pressured
we had pressured
you had pressured
they had pressured
I will pressure
you will pressure
he/she/it will pressure
we will pressure
you will pressure
they will pressure
Future Perfect
I will have pressured
you will have pressured
he/she/it will have pressured
we will have pressured
you will have pressured
they will have pressured
Future Continuous
I will be pressuring
you will be pressuring
he/she/it will be pressuring
we will be pressuring
you will be pressuring
they will be pressuring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been pressuring
you have been pressuring
he/she/it has been pressuring
we have been pressuring
you have been pressuring
they have been pressuring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been pressuring
you will have been pressuring
he/she/it will have been pressuring
we will have been pressuring
you will have been pressuring
they will have been pressuring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been pressuring
you had been pressuring
he/she/it had been pressuring
we had been pressuring
you had been pressuring
they had been pressuring
I would pressure
you would pressure
he/she/it would pressure
we would pressure
you would pressure
they would pressure
Past Conditional
I would have pressured
you would have pressured
he/she/it would have pressured
we would have pressured
you would have pressured
they would have pressured

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


Force per unit area.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. pressure - the force applied to a unit area of surface pressure - the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure"

force per unit area, pressure level

physical phenomenon - a natural phenomenon involving the physical properties of matter and energy

blood pressure - the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person's health; "adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/80 where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure"

gas pressure - the pressure exerted by a gas

head - the pressure exerted by a fluid; "a head of steam"

hydrostatic head - the pressure at a given point in a liquid measured in terms of the vertical height of a column of the liquid needed to produce the same pressure

intraocular pressure, IOP - pressure exerted by the fluids inside the eyeball; regulated by resistance to the outward flow of aqueous humor; "glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure"

oil pressure - pressure that keeps oil on the moving parts of an internal-combustion engine

osmotic pressure - (physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane

corpuscular-radiation pressure, radiation pressure - the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave

instantaneous sound pressure, sound pressure - the difference between the instantaneous pressure at a point in a sound field and the average pressure at that point

suction - a force over an area produced by a pressure difference

vapor pressure, vapour pressure - the pressure exerted by a vapor; often understood to mean saturated vapor pressure (the vapor pressure of a vapor in contact with its liquid form)

2. pressure - a force that compels; "the public brought pressure to bear on the government"

force - a powerful effect or influence; "the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them"

3. pressure - the act of pressing pressure - the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure; "he gave the button a press"; "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"; "at the pressing of a button"

pressing, press

push, pushing - the act of applying force in order to move something away; "he gave the door a hard push"; "the pushing is good exercise"

impression - the act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another; "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax"

compressing, compression - applying pressure

4. pressure - the state of demanding notice or attention; "the insistence of their hunger"; "the press of business matters"

imperativeness, insistency, press, insistence

urgency - the state of being urgent; an earnest and insistent necessity

5. pressure - the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal"

pressure sensation

somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatic sensation, somesthesia - the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations; "he relied on somesthesia to warn him of pressure changes"

6. pressure - an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress

distress - a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need); "a ship in distress"; "she was the classic maiden in distress"

7. pressure - the pressure exerted by the atmosphere pressure - the pressure exerted by the atmosphere

air pressure, atmospheric pressure

gas pressure - the pressure exerted by a gas

barometric pressure - atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer

compartment pressure - the air pressure maintained in an air-tight compartment (as in an aircraft)

overpressure - a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure; "the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion"

sea-level pressure - the atmospheric pressure reduced by a formula to the pressure at sea level

Verb 1. pressure - to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"

coerce, force, hale, squeeze

turn up the heat, turn up the pressure - apply great or increased pressure; "The Democrats turned up the heat on their candidate to concede the election"

drive - to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly; "She is driven by her passion"

bludgeon - overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club; "The teacher bludgeoned the students into learning the math formulas"

steamroll, steamroller - bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"

squeeze for - squeeze someone for money, information, etc.

dragoon, railroad, sandbag - compel by coercion, threats, or crude means; "They sandbagged him to make dinner for everyone"

terrorise, terrorize - coerce by violence or with threats

compel, obligate, oblige - force somebody to do something; "We compel all students to fill out this form"

bring oneself - cause to undertake a certain action, usually used in the negative; "He could not bring himself to call his parents"

2. pressure - exert pressure on someone through threats

blackjack, blackmail

act upon, influence, work - have and exert influence or effect; "The artist's work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



3. stress, demands, difficulty, strain, press, heat, load, burden, distress, hurry, urgency, hassle (informal), uphill (S. African), adversity, affliction, exigency The pressures of modern life are great.


1. force, influence, persuade, compel, intimidate, drive, badger, coerce, bulldoze, brainwash, dragoon, pressurize, breathe down someone's neck, browbeat, press-gang, prevail on, twist someone's arm (informal), turn on the heat (informal), put the screws on (slang) He claimed the police pressured him to change his testimony.

"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" [Harry S. Truman]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. The act, condition, or effect of exerting force on someone or something:

2. Power used to overcome resistance:


1. To cause (a person or thing) to act or move in spite of resistance:

2. To maintain normal air pressure in:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


ضَغْطضَغط للإقْناع، إجْبار ضَغْط، ثِقَل، عِبءيَضْغَط

tlak činit nátlak tíha

tryk trykke tvang pres

paine painostaa

pritisak vršiti pritisak


álag òrÿstingur òrÿstingur, álag

圧力 圧力を加える

압력 압력을 가하다

greitpuodis įtampa slėgis

slodze spiediens spriedze uzstājība


pritisk pritiskati prisiliti

tryck utöva påtryckning

กดดันให้ทำ ความกดดัน

áp suất gây áp lực

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



Druck m (also Phys, Met); at high/full pressure (lit, fig)unter Hochdruck; oil pressure Öldruck m



pressure group

nPressuregroup f

pressure point

n (Anat) → Druckpunkt m

pressure suit

n (Aviat) → Druckanzug m

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



2. vt = pressurize b

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈpreʃə) noun

1. (the amount of force exerted by) the action of pressing. to apply pressure to a cut to stop bleeding; A barometer measures atmospheric pressure. druk ضَغْط налягане pressão tlak der Druck tryk πίεση presión vajutus, rõhk فشار paine pression לחץ दाब tlak nyomás tekanan þrÿstingur pressione 圧力 압력 spaudimas, slėgis spiediens tekanan druk trykk, press ucisk, ciśnienie فشار pressão presiune давление tlak pritisk pritisak tryck การกด basınç, baskı 壓力 стискання; тиск دباؤ lực; áp suất 压力

2. (a) strain or stress. The pressures of her work are sometimes too much for her. spanning, druk ضَغْط، ثِقَل، عِبء натиск pressão tíha der Druck pres πίεση, άγχος presión pinge فشار؛ گرفتاری stressi pression לחץ दबाव या दाब का बोझ या मात्रा या भार pritisak stressz tekanan álag pressione 圧迫 스트레스 įtampa, našta, sunkumas slodze; spriedze tekanan druk press, kjas, mas presja, napięcie فشار، نيونه pressão stres напряжение ťarcha pritisk pritisak press, tryck, stress ความกดดัน baskı, stres 緊迫,壓力 гніт; напруга بار، بوجھ áp lực 紧迫,压力

3. strong persuasion; compulsion or force. He agreed under pressure. dwang, druk, oortuiging ضَغط للإقْناع، إجْبار натиск pressão (ná)tlak der Druck tvang πίεση, εξαναγκασμός presión surve فشار painostus pression תָּחַת לַחַץ दबाव pod pritiskom nyomás paksaan þrÿstingur, álag pressione 強制 압박 spaudimas, prievarta spiediens; uzstājība desakan druk press, påtrykk nacisk, presja فشار pressão (sub) presiune давление, нажим nátlak pritisk pritisak press, tryck แรงกระตุ้น zorlama, baskı 極力勸導,強制力 тиск, вплив جبر sức ép 极力劝导,强制力

ˈpressurize, ˈpressurise verb

1. to fit (an aeroplane etc) with a device that keeps air pressure normal. The cabins have all been pressurized druk reël يَضْغَط поддържам едно и също атмосферно налягане pressurizar udržovat normální tlak druckfest machen sætte under tryk διατηρώ υπό σταθερή ατμοσφαιρική πίεση presurizar hermetiseerima تنظیم فشار کردن paineistaa pressuriser לְהַשווֹת לָחַץ दावानुकूलित vršiti pritisak na nyomás alá helyez memberi tekanan udara útbúa með loftþrÿstingsjafnara pressurizzare 気圧調整する 기압을 정상으로 유지하다 pritaikyti normaliam oro slėgiui išlaikyti hermetizēt; uzturēt normālu spiedienu mengimbangkan tekanan udara de luchtdruk regelen utstyre som trykkabin zapewnić normalne ciśnienie د فشار تنظيمول pressurizar a etanşa герметизировать udržiavať normálny tlak vzdrževati zračni pritisk staviti pod pritisak förse med tryckkabin รักษาความดันบรรยากาศภายในเครื่อง basıncı ayarlamak (給飛機等)裝設保持正常氣壓的裝置 герметизувати ہوا کا دباؤ نارمل رکھنے کا آلہ فٹ کرنا điều áp (给飞机等)装设保持正常气压的装置

2. to force. He was pressurized into giving up his job. dwing يَجْبُر принуждавам pressionar činit nátlak unter Druck setzen presse πιέζω, εξαναγκάζω presionar, forzar survet avaldama تحت فشار قرار دادن pakottaa forcer à, contraindre de תָחַת לָחַץ दाबानुकूलित nužda, situacija pod velikim pritiskom presszionál memaksa þvinga forzare 強いる 압력을 가하다 (pri)versti piespiest; ietekmēt memaksa onder druk zetten tvinge wywrzeć presję د فشار لاندى راوړل forçar a constrânge оказывать давление, нажим robiť nátlak prisiliti naterati pressa, tvinga, utöva påtryckningar กดดันให้ทำ zorlamak, baskı yapmak 強迫 здійснювати тиск جبر کرنا، دباؤ ڈالنا gây sức ép 强迫

pressure cooker

a type of saucepan in which food is cooked quickly by steam kept under great pressure. drukkoker قِدْر ضَغط тенджера под налягане panela de pressão tlakový hrnec der Schnellkochtopf trykkoger χύτρα ταχύτητας olla a presión, olla exprés survekatel دیگ زودپز painekeitin autocuiseur סִיר לָחַץ प्रेसर कुकर ekspres lonac kukta panci presto hraðsuðupottur pentola a pressione 圧力なべ 압력솥 greitpuodis ātrvārītājs; spiediena katls periuk tekanan snelkookpan trykkoker szybkowar د بخار ديګ panela de pressão oală sub presiune скороварка tlakový hrniec ekonom lonec ekspres lonac tryckkokare หม้อต้มที่ใช้ความอัดดันจากไอน้ำ düdüklü tencere 壓力鍋 скороварка پريشر کوکر nồi áp suất 压力锅

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


ضَغْط, يَضْغَط činit nátlak, tlak tryk, trykke Druck, unter Druck setzen ασκώ πίεση, πίεση presión, presionar paine, painostaa faire pression, pression pritisak, vršiti pritisak esercitare pressione, pressione 圧力, 圧力を加える 압력, 압력을 가하다 druk, onder druk zetten legge press på, trykk ciśnienie, nakłonić pressão, pressionar давление, оказывать давление tryck, utöva påtryckning กดดันให้ทำ, ความกดดัน basınç, baskı yapmak áp suất, gây áp lực 压力, 施加压力

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. presión, tensión, compresión;

arterial ______ arterial, presión o tensión de la sangre sobre las paredes de los vasos capilares;

atmospheric ______ atmosférica, la que ejerce la masa de aire alrededor de la tierra;

___ bandagevendaje de ___.;

central venous ______ central venosa, presión de la sangre en la aurícula derecha del corazón;

diastolic ______ diastólica, presión arterial durante la diástole;

intracranial ______ intracraneana o intracraneal, presión ejercida dentro de la cavidad craneana;

intrathoracic ______ intratorácica, presión dentro del tórax;

osmotic ______ osmótica;

V.: osmosis.

partial ______ parcial, la que ejerce uno de los gases de una composición mixta;

pulse ______ de pulso;

systolic ______ sistólica, presión arterial durante la contracción de los ventrículos;

venous ______ venosa, la de la sangre en las venas;

v. hacer presión, presionar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • What should the tire pressure be? (US)
    What should the tyre pressure be? (UK) → ما هُوَ الضَغْطُ الـمُفْتَرَضُ للإطارِ؟ → Jaký má být správný tlak vzduchu v pneumatikách? → Hvad bør dæktrykket være? → Wie hoch sollte der Reifendruck sein? → Πόση πρέπει να είναι η πίεση στα λάστιχα; → ¿Qué presión deben tener las ruedas? → Mikä renkaiden paineen pitäisi olla? → Quelle pression faut-il pour les pneus ? → Koliki treba biti tlak u gumama? → A quanto dovrebbe essere la pressione degli pneumatici? → 適正なタイヤ圧はどのくらいですか? → 타이어 압력이 얼마여야 하나요? → Wat moet de druk van de banden zijn? → Hvilket lufttrykk skal dekkene ha? → Jakie powinno być ciśnienie w oponach? → Qual deve ser a pressão dos pneus? → Какое рекомендованное давление в шинах? → Vilket tryck bör det vara i däcken? → ความดันยางควรเป็นเท่าไร? → Tekerleklerin havası ne kadar olmalı? → Áp suất lốp cần phải là bao nhiêu? → 轮胎压力应该是多少?

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n presión f, opresión f, tensión f; like a pressure over your chest .. como una opresión (presión) en el pecho; bilevel positive airway — presión positiva con dos niveles de la vía aérea; blood — tensión or presión arterial (form), presión sanguínea (form), presión de la sangre (fam); continuous positive airway — (CPAP) presión positiva continua de la vía aérea; diastolic — presión diastólica; high blood — hipertensión f (form), presión alta (fam); You have high blood pressure ..Ud. tiene hipertensión (presión alta); peer — presión social or de grupo; social — presión social; systolic — presión sistólica

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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